Saturday 13 February 2016

Bitcoin Web Wallet for Mobile Phone

Bitcoin Web Wallet is designed for mobile phone users. To that end, signup and use are as simple as possible. Users are assigned a bitcoin address and a URL. Coins sent to their address are available at their URL

- Mobile phone friendly interface
- Simple use
- QR code payment address graphic
- Instant signup, no registration required

Mobile phone friendly interface Simple use QR code payment address graphic Instant sign-up: no registration required

URl Uniform Resource Locator
QR Code A two demensional bar code containing your bitcoin address 
Transaction Fee .0005 BTC transaction fee

You have no reason to trust a website because trus is earned. This site is simple, secure and scalable.
The application is designed using the principal of least privilege and isolation. Application components are isolated in LXC containers and SElinux is used to enforce Mandatory Access Control on containers such that even administrations can not access users information.
To view an example and to open a wallet  Click here

Latest Model Mobil Phone