Sunday 26 August 2012

Rt04/07 Kabasiran

 Rt04/07 Kabasiran
Rt04/07 adalah merupakan bagian dari perumahan Griya yang terletak di desa Kabasiran, Kecamatan Parung Panjang, Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia
Kabupaten Bogor, adalah sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Ibukotanya adalah Cibinong. Kabupaten ini berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Tangerang (Banten), Kota Depok, Kota Bekasi, dan Kabupaten Bekasi di utara; Kabupaten Karawang di timur, Kabupaten Cianjur dan Kabupaten Sukabumi di selatan, serta Kabupaten Lebak (Banten) di barat.

Pusat pemerintahan di Kabupaten Bogor secara garis besar terdiri dari 40 kecamatan. Kecamatan-kecamatan tersebut dibagi atas sejumlah desa dan kelurahan. Pusat pemerintahan Kabupaten Bogor terletak di Kecamatan Cibinong, yang berada di sebelah utara Kota Bogor.

Parung Panjang
Parung Panjang adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Kecamatan Parung Panjang terdiri dari 11 Kelurahan/desa yaitu:
1. Cibunar
2. Cikuda
3. Dago
4. Gintung Cilejet
5. Gorowong
6. Jagabaya
7. Jagabita
8. Kabasiran
9. Lumpang
10. Parung Panjang
11. Pingku

Letak Geography
Rt04/Rw07 Griya termasuk wilayah desa Kebasiaran Parung Panjang, yang berbatasan dengan desa Gorowong, Cikuda dan desa Parung Panjang. Perumahan Griya dibangun sekitar tahun 1995, oleh PT. Masa Kreasi.

Sejarah Rt 04/07 Griya Parung Panjang 
Sekitar tahun 2000, setelah Rt8 Blok A Griya mengadakan pemekaran dari bentuk Rt menjadi Rw, maka terbentuklah Rw07. Selanjutnya Rw07 terbagi menjadi 4 Rt, yaitu Rt1, Rt2.Rt3 dan Rt4

Ketua Rt 04 pertama yaitu bp Robin Subiantoro. Jumlah warga dengan pertama Rt 04 adalah 18 KK
Sekarang 2012 sudah mencapai 35 KK.

Wilayah Rt04/Rw07 adalah wilayah paling kecil dan paling sedikit jumlah warganya dibanding Rt-Rt lain di lingkungan Rw 07, Walaupun demikian wilayah Rt04 Menjuarai perlombaan kebersihan tingkat seluruh Griya Parung panjang. Dalam Lingkungan wilayah Rt04 terdapat Sarana
1. Masjid Assalam
2. TPA
3. Lapangan Bulu Tangkis
4. Pos-Pos ronda di Setiap gang
5. Lapangan Serba guna
6. Perguruan Pencak Silat
7. Tenis Meja
8. Club Catur

                                                                Masjid AS-Salam,

                                                              Ketua RT04/RW07

                                                Jalan Aster V Blok A3  Griya Parung Panjang

                                                          Rumah Ketua Rt 04/07

Parung Panjang Terpencil dan Terasing
Kali pertama datang dan tinggal di Parung Panjang sekitar tahun 2001, saya merasa seperti orang buangan jauh dari teman-teman dan sanak saudara, saat itu komunikasipun terputus karena belum ada jaringan seluler, tapi untung masih ada Telkom dan buru-buru daftar sejak itupun komunikasipun mulai terhubung kembali. Namun teman-teman dan saudara pada bingung dimanakah letak Parung Panjang, dicari di peta pun tidak ditemukan. Sehingga saya pun sering berbohong jika bertemu dengan teman-teman, dan ditanya Dimana tinggal? Serpong jawabku singkat Parung Panjang sebenarnya tidak terlalu jauh dari kawasan kota satelit Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), hanya sekitar 20 menit berkendaraan. Dari Jakarta, Kecamatan Parung Panjang dapat ditempuh sejauh 45 kilometer. Sementara dari ibu kota Kabupaten Bogor, yakni Cibinong, jarak tempuhnya lebih jauh lagi, yakni sekitar 65 kilometer. Meski dekat dengan BSD, citra Parung Panjang masih seringkali dianggap jauh dari “peradaban”. Banyak orang menganggapnya tak cuma kawasan pelosok, tetapi juga terpencil dan terasing. Jalan utama yang rusak berat, lampu penerangan jalan yang langka, serta kawasan yang relatif senyap di kala malam, Setiap pagipun berangkat kerja kita harus rela naik angkot bak terbuka bercampur dengan kambing dan ayam, di keretapun demikian sudah penuh sesak dan pengap bercampur dengan kambing dan ayam. Hal inilah yang membuat segan orang untuk tinggal di Griya Parung Panjang Kini, meski relatif sudah lebih ramai, tetapi infrastruktur jalan di kawasan itu masih sangat memprihatinkan.

Kawasan Parung Panjang belakangan memang mulai dilirik sebagai kawasan permukiman yang harganya masih relatif terjangkau. Terlebih bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR), yang sehari-hari masih mengandalkan ibu kota Jakarta untuk mengais nafkah. Transportasi Salah satu yang membuat kawasan ini mulai diminati untuk bermukim yakni terdapatnya lintasan Kereta Api Diesel (KRD) jurusan Kota - Tanah Abang -Rangkasbitung - Merak Dengan hanya tiket seharga Rp 1.500, warga Parung Panjang sudah dapat mengakses Jakarta. Ongkos ke Jakarta tersebut jauh lebih rendah ketimbang harus menempuh dengan angkutan umum, yang harus berganti-ganti setidaknya lima kali, termasuk ojek. Tak heran, saban hari ribuan penumpang memadati stasiun KRD Parung Panjang untuk berebut ruang gerbong dan juga atap gerbong kereta. Walaupun Sekarang sudah masuk KRL AC Ciujung ( Parung Panjang-Manggarai) dan KRD bisnis Rankas Jaya, Namun keadaan KRD ekonomi masih berjubel penuh sesak Mulai tgl 5 December 2011, telah ditambah KRL AC Ciujung atau Commuter Line sebanyak 6 kali

Berikut Jadwal KRL AC Ciujung dari Parung Panjang Ke Tanah Abang
05.35          08.30       09.50        
11.30         14.45        16.00          20.15


Saturday 25 August 2012

West Java

West Java Province (Indonesia: Province Jawa Barat, acronym JaBar, also known as Sundanese or Jawa Kulon)  is located at part of western Java Island. The enchanting of Sunda land stretches from Sunda Strait in the west to the borders of Central Java in the east. The locals' people know West Java Province as the Land of Sunda. The region is primarily mountainous, with rich green valleys hugging lofty volcanic peaks, many of which surround the capital of West Java province.

Sundanese share Java island with Javanese people. They primarily live in their home province of West Java. Although Sundanese live in the same island with Javanese, they consider themselves a distinct cultural area called Pasundan or Tatar Sunda. Someone moving from West Java Province to Central or East Java Provinces, is literally said to be moving from Sunda to Java. Bandung

Basic Information
Country                     Indonesia
Capital                      Bandung
Governor                  Ahmad Heryawan
Languages                 Indonesian (official),
                                 Sundanese (regional)
Time zone                 WIB (UTC+07:00)

West Java borders Jakarta and Banten Province to the west, and Central Java to the east. To the north is the Java Sea. To the south is the Indian Ocean. Unlike most other provinces in Indonesia which have their capitals in coastal area, the provincial capital, Bandung, is located in the mountainous area in the centre of the province. Banten Province was formerly part of West Java Province but was created a separate province in 2000.

Endowed with natural beauty and rich culture, tourism is also an important industry in West Java. The Puncak area and Bandung have long been known as popular weekend destinations for Jakartans. Today Bandung has developed into a chic and fashionable shopping destination, popular not only among local Indonesian especially Jakartans, but also a popular shopping destination for neighboring Malaysian and Singaporeans. The ancient coastal city of Cirebon is also popular as cultural tourism destination since the city has several kratons and many historical sites such as Gua Sunyaragi. Other popular tourism destinations include the Bogor Botanical Garden, Taman Safari Indonesia, Tangkuban Perahu crater, Ciater hot springs, Kawah Putih crater to the south of Bandung, Pangandaran beach, and various mountain resorts in Cianjur, Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Kuningan.

                                                             Mount Tangkuban perahu

                                                                Gua Sunyaragi, Cirebon

Gamelan Degung Orchestra Gamelan orchestra The musical arts of Sunda, which is an expression of the emotions of Sundanese culture, express politeness and grace of Sundanese. The region of Cirebon retains its own distinct musical traditions,  the two most frequently heard are Gamelan Pelog and Gamelan Prawa
Cirebon also retains specialized Gamelan ensembles including: Sekaten, which is played in the Kratons to mark important times in the Islamic calendar. Denggung, also a Kraton ensemble which is believed to have a number of "supernatural powers". And Renteng, an ensemble found in both Cirebon and Parahyangan that is known for its loud and energetic playing style.

Tembang Sunda is a genre of Sundanese vocal music accompanied by a core ensemble of two kacapi (zither) and a suling (bamboo flute). Tembang means song or poem and Sunda is a geographical, historical, and cultural construct which signifies home for the Sundanese people of Indonesia.


Kacapi suling is tembang Sunda minus vocal. Tarawangsa is a genuine popular art is performed on ensemble consists of tarawangsa and the jentreng . Three main types of Sundanese Bamboo Ensembles are angklung, calung, and arumba.




Puppetry or Wayang Golek  is a traditional form of puppetry from Sunda. Unlike the better-known leather shadow puppets (wayang kulit) found in the rest of Java and Bali, wayang golek puppets are made from wood and are three-dimensional. Puppetry or Wayang Golek is one of the distinctive arts of Sunda land which is very popular. The word "wayang" is often in connecting with the "bayang(shadow)" it is closely related with the wayang kulit (shadow puppets ) are usually played by using the screen. So that is seen by viewers is that there are shadows on the screen. There is also an opinion that the word comes from the word wayang, wayang means reflects or shadow of the side of human life in general.


                                                     Sundanese Dance
Jaipongan is probably the most popular traditional social dance of Sundanese people. It can performed in solo, in group, or in pair.

Tari Merak (Peafowl Dance) is a female dance inspired by the movements of a peafowl and its feathers blended with the classical movements of Sundanese dance.

                                                      Peafowl Dance West Java

                                                                  Jaipong Dance

Folktales and Legend Stories
Among the most well known folktale and stories are:
Mundinglaya Dikusumah, which tells of Mundinglaya visiting Jabaning Langit to find layang Salaka Domas.
Lutung Kasarung, tells the life of a beautiful princes, in the era of Pasir Batang kingdom, a vassal of Sunda kingdom. She faces the evil of her older sister willing to seize her right as a queen.
Ciung Wanara, tells of the fight of two princes of Sunda kingdom and the history of Cipamali river (present-day Brebes river) as a boundary between Sundanese and Javanese territories.
Sangkuriang, which tells the story of the creation of Mount Tangkuban Parahu and the ancient lake Bandung.[

Toll Roads
Cipularang toll roads (highway) is acronym of Cikampek, Purwakarta, Padalarang. This 41 km long expressway which connects Jakarta to Bandung

Friday 24 August 2012

Web Widget

Web Widgets (Widget) are mini web applications that you can insert into your website and/or social networks. They're a popular way to add interesting third party content to your web presence.

They are derived from the idea of code reuse. Other terms used to describe web widgets include
portlet, web part, gadget, badge, module, webjit, capsule, snippet, mini and flake. Widgets are typically created in DHTML, JavaScript, or Adobe Flash.

Widgets often take the form of on-screen device (clocks, event countdowns, auction-tickers, stock market tickers, flight arrival information, daily weather etc.).

Widget on Your Facebook Profile
A widget is a stand-alone application that can be embedded into third party sites by any user on a page where they have rights of authorship (e.g. a webpage, blog, or profile on a social media site). Widgets allow users to turn personal content into dynamic web apps that can be shared on websites where the code can be installed. For example, a "Weather Report Widget" could report today's weather by accessing data from the Weather Channel, it could even be sponsored by the Weather Channel. Should you want to put that widget on your own Facebook profile, you could do this by copying and pasting the embed code into your profile on Facebook.

Widget on Blog/Site
If you write on your own blog, web widgets can be used to provide additional functionality. For example, Feedburner is a website that allows people to sign up for your RSS feed. They provide a widget that you can put on your blog to help people sign up. YouTube also provides a widget, allowing you to make a playlist of your favorite videos. And these are just two among many widgets that can be used in conjunction with your blog. But widgets aren't just for personal use. Businesses also use widgets to enhance their websites. Widgets can be used to track visitors to the website and provide information on how the visitor found the website. They can also be used to provide syndicated content, such as relevant content from the Associated Press, or information like stock quotes.

Difference Between Widget and Gadget
Explaining the difference between a widget and a gadget would be the stuff of comedy. Nowadays, it is serious discussion. The easiest way to explain it is that a gadget is any widget that is not a widget. Sound confusing? A widget is a piece of reusable code that you can plug into virtually any website. A gadget acts just like a widget, often fulfilling the same purpose, but it is proprietary. It only works on a certain website or a specific set of websites. For example, Google Gadgets can look and act like widgets. But they only work on Google pages. A widget, on the other hand, works on any page that lets you add an HTML block. You can put them on your blog, or your personalized start page, or your personal website.

Security Considerations
As any program code, widgets can be used for malicious purposes. One example is the Facebook “Secret Crush” widget, reported in early 2008 by Fortine.

SEO Considerations
One major consideration in the use of web widgets is how they'll impact the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your site. Client-side widgets include pretty much anything rendered in JavaScript or Flash, and are by far the most common types of widgets you'll see today. The content of these widgets is not visible to search engines, and will therefore not be seen as part of the content of your site. Server-side widget content is visible to search engines, but these are slightly harder to embed. In both cases, search bots can see the embed code for the widget itself, so some of the SEO concern can be alleviated this way—but SEO should be part of your consideration in the use of any widget on your site.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Ranking in Google Search

Ranking Sites' positions in Google search results are determined based on a number of factors designed to provide end-users with helpful, accurate search results. (Read more These factors)

In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages. For more information about improving your site's visibility in the Google search results, we recommend reviewing Google Webmaster Guidelines. They outline core concepts for maintaining a Google-friendly website.

Little or no original content One of the most important steps in improving your site's ranking in Google search results is to ensure that it contains plenty of rich information that includes relevant keywords, used appropriately, that indicate the subject matter of your content. However, some webmasters attempt to improve their page's ranking and attract visitors by creating pages with many words but little or no authentic content.

Google will take action against domains that try to rank more highly by just showing scraped or other auto-generated pages that don't add any value to users. Examples include: Thin affiliate sites: These sites collect pay-per-click (PPC) revenue by sending visitors to the sites of affiliate programs, while providing little or no value-added content or service to the user. These sites usually have no original content and may be cookie-cutter sites or templates with no unique content.

Doorway pages: Pages created just for search engines Auto-generated content: Content generated programatically. Often this will consist of random paragraphs of text that make no sense to the reader but that may contain search keywords.

Scraped content: Some webmasters make use of content taken from other, more reputable sites on the assumption that increasing the volume of web pages with random, irrelevant content is a good long-term strategy. Purely scraped content, even from high-quality sources, may not provide any added value to your users without additional useful services or content provided by your site.

It's worthwhile to take the time to create original content that sets your site apart. This will keep your visitors coming back and will provide useful search results. There is no problem in being an affiliate as long as you create some added value for your users and produce valuable content that gives a user a reason to visit your site. For example, you could create product reviews, ratings, and product comparisons.

If your site has been removed from our search results, review Google Webmaster Guidelines for more information. Once you've made your changes and are confident that your site no longer violates Google guidelines, submit your site for reconsideration.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

How to Remove Windows Virus Hunter

How to remove Windows virus hunter

Windows Virus Hunter is a rogue malicious antivirus program which displays fake security alerts, reporting that malware has been detected on your computer. The rogue program detects false infections and displays numerous fake security warnings, alerts using pop-ups.

Windows Virus Hunter disables the Windows system utilities, including Task Manager and Windows Registry and prevents you from running certain programs like antivirus.
The browser also redirects you to fake websites when you try to visit security websites and also slows down your computer.

Follow the given steps to remove the Windows Virus Hunter.
- Step1
  Restart your computer and during the restart process, press F8 key on your
  keyboard repeatedly. Select Safe Mode with Networking, and then press ENTER.
- Step2
  Windows Virus Hunter adds a proxy to your Internet connection, so we need to
  its settings. It's because of this proxy, your system display various errors when you
  try to access the Internet. To do this, open Internet explorer>click Tools >select
  Internet Options. Then select the "Connections" tab.

- Step3
  In the "Connections" tab, click LAN settings. Uncheck if the "Use a proxy server
  for your LAN" box is checked. Click OK.

- Step4
  Download any latest legitimate anti-spyware software to fully remove Windows
  Virus  Hunter from your computer. This software scans your computer and
   removes the virus.

- Step5
  After removing Windows Virus Hunter, you will need to reset your Hosts file.
  It is because this virus modifies your Hosts files due to which you encounter
  browser redirect problems. To reset the Hosts file, rename the old one. Locate the
  Hosts file, right-click it and click Rename. Rename it to Hosts.old. Now create a
  new Hosts file in the same location by right-clicking anywhere on the blank space
  and  selecting New> Text Document.

- Step6
  A new Notepad file will open up. Make sure that the extension of this file is not .txt.
  Now copy and paste the text data from Hosts.old to this file. Save the changes and
  close the file.


Optimize Your Site with Pinterest

Pinterest is the hottest new social network to hit the web, having 1.36 million visitors a day. We’re running a special promotion to encourage all of our readers to optimize their sites and start using Pinterest.

It’s no secret that Pinterest has taken the online world by surprise, seemingly popping up out of nowhere and instantaneously becoming competition for the top two social media networks – Facebook and Twitter.

What we want to know is how many of you are on Pinterest? For those who may have missed out on the initial hype, Pinterest is a new(er) social media network that allows its members to post pictures from all over the web into their own categorized “virtual pin boards”. This is special and fun for so many reasons.

Looking to boost your site’s SEO? Browse through thousands of boards created by experts that sum up SEO in a simple picture or infographic. Maybe you’re looking to increase your web traffic. Click on a picture that will take you straight to a traffic-building article. You can follow people, companies or just boards.

We think Pinterest is so cool that we came up with 12 great optimization tips perfect for any website or blog.

The tips were designed with you in mind; we want your sites to be fully optimized and ready for high earnings. You don’t want to miss these illustrated bits of guidance, whether you’re a novice or a pro there’s something in it for you.

Don’t have an account?
What are you waiting for?
Sign Up Here


                      "It is one of the “fastest growing social services in the world.”

Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, 're-pin' images to their own collections or 'like' photos. Pinterest's mission is to "connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting" via a global platform of inspiration and idea sharing.

Why is Pinterest different?
Pinterest is an excellent site for inspiration and ideas and it is also a very cool community filled with artistic souls.

Here are four reasons why Pinterest is different:
- Pinterest uses a new type of social interface to drive traffic and it is linked to Facebook
  and Twitter.
- Pinterest appeals to both the general public and to the art & design crowd
- Pinterest is an excellent marketing tool
- Pinterest is the first of similar sites and it signals a shift in Internet marketing, viewing
  and usage.

Pinterest users can upload, save, sort and manage images, known as pins, and other media content (i.e. videos) through collections known as pinboards. Pinboards are generally themed so that pins can easily be organized, categorized and discovered by other users.

Pinterest acts as a personalized media platform, whereby your own content as well as anyone else's uploaded pins can be browsed on the main page. Users can then save their favourite pins to one of their own boards using the “Pin It” button. Content can also be found outside of Pinterest and similarly uploaded to a board via the “Pin It” button which can be downloaded to the bookmark bar on a web browser.

Pinterest is easy to learn and quick to use. The visual interface is stimulating to the brain and it invokes almost an addictive response in users. This is appealing to both the art crowd and to general users. Males, although they do not currently make up a large section of Pinterest viewers, could in the future due to the male affinity for visual stimulation. In addition, from a conversion perspective a buyer interested in shopping for anything, can quickly assemble a Pinterest shopping list on the site and come back to it for comparison-shopping when ready to buy.

How To Register
There are several ways to register a new Pinterest account.
Potential users can either receive an invitation from a friend already registered,
or request an invitation directly from the Pinterest website.
An account can also be created and accessed by linking Pinterest to a Facebook or Twitter profile. When a user re-posts or “re-pins” an image to their own board, they have the option of notifying their Facebook and Twitter followers; this feature can be managed on the settings page.

Users who choose to log into Pinterest via Facebook must currently be using Facebook's "Timeline" format. On the main Pinterest page, a "pin feed" appears, displaying the chronological activity from the pinterest boards that a user follows.

When browsing for new boards and relevant pins, users can visit a "Tastemakers" page that recommend pinboards with content similar to previous pins saved by a user.
For both guests and Pinterest users, there are currently four main sections to browse: everything, videos, popular and gifts. These subcategories provide an organized system of browsing, which helps fellow users to connect and share interests. Quick links to Pinterest include the "pin it" button that can be added to the bookmark bar of a web browser, "Follow me" and "Pin it" buttons added to personal website or blog page, and the Pinterest iPhone application available through the App Store.

The website has proven especially popular among women.  The most popular categories on Pinterest that got the most popular pins are food & drink, DIY & crafts, and women's apparel.